1/ Gracia Haby & Louise Jennison
In the MET there is a “Pit from a Balanites tree with a hole caused by a rodent”, ca. 2381–2323 B.C., Old Kingdom, on view in Gallery 100.


PDF download

Zine folding and splicing instructions
PDF download

Created to accompany an exhibition of our artists’ books and zines in the Bower Ashton Library cases.
University of West England (UWE) Bristol
City Campus at Bower Ashton
Kennel Lodge Road, Bristol
As part of our Remote Residency
Sunday 1st – Monday 30th of November, 2020


When Dr Sarah Bodman from the Centre for Fine Print Research mentioned they would like to feature our work in the cases of the Bower Ashton Library, our second thought, after the moment of jubilation, was: let’s make a zine for people to print out at home. As with many things, one zine lead to two, because, once we started, we thought: how about making a bat’s wing extend the length of a concertina. And so we created a pair of zines made-in-iso for everyone to download, print, fold, splice, and share.

Both zines are only available as a digital download.


2/ Gracia Haby & Louise Jennison
We have been looking at you the wrong way round. We still do. To the gardeners of the sky.


PDF download

Zine splicing and folding instructions
PDF download

Created to accompany an exhibition of our artists’ books and zines in the Bower Ashton Library cases.
University of West England (UWE) Bristol
City Campus at Bower Ashton
Kennel Lodge Road, Bristol
As part of our Remote Residency
Sunday 1st November – Monday 30th November, 2020


Thank-you for the opportunity, Dr Sarah Bodman, which we interpreted as an invitation to make something new. A zine about rodents, for amusement, and a zine about bats, for discussion. We were inspired by our Stage IV walks, more circular than our A to B days. We were inspired by early scientific drawings of bats the wrong way round for them and the ‘right’ way round for human eyes. We were thinking about how much we, as humans, encroach on the natural world to our collective detriment. We were thinking about the anthropogenic pressure on our most precious wild habitats.

Both zines are only available as a digital download.





Artists’ Books Exhibitions in the Bower Ashton Library cases, UWE, Bristol, UK
Gracia & Louise
Remote Residency

Between us, the Archive at the Centre for Fine Print Research and Bower Ashton Library at UWE, Bristol have been collecting artists’ books and zines by Melbourne based artists Gracia Haby and Louise Jennison since 2008. Between them, Gracia & Louise have created 200+ beautiful artists’ books and zines since 2000 as part of their collaborative practice. “We are besotted with paper for its adaptable, foldable, cut-able, concealable, revealing nature. In our artists’ books, prints, zines, drawings, and collages too, we use an armoury of play, humour, and perhaps the poetic and familiar too, with the intention of luring you in”.

Sadly, we are still unable to welcome the public back into the library at the moment, so we thought — why not invite some artists who are physically far away to have an exhibition that we can all see online. As Gracia & Louise have such a well thought out and informative website with images and texts on each of their books we invited them to have a remote residency / exhibition showcasing some of their books held here in Special Collections and the CFPR Archives that you can visit on their website.


During the timeframe of the exhibition here in Bristol, Sarah will be presenting a virtual talk on artists’ books and libraries for the Arlis/ANZ Biennial conference (Brisbane, 11–13 November): reimagining the material: artists’ books, printed matter, digital transformation, engagement. The talk will feature Gracia & Louise’s marvellous installation Looped, created specially for the La Trobe Reading Room at the State Library Victoria in Melbourne.


As always, Gracia & Louise have devised an extra and very thoughtful element for the Arlis/ANZ talk and their Bristol exhibition. They have produced two new zines for virtual conference attendees and exhibition visitors to download.

Gracia & Louise live studio visit for NGV Melbourne: watch a studio talk where Gracia Haby and Louise Jennison discuss their artists’ books, zines and collage work, for the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, October 2020, here.

Book Arts



For the archivist, between 2015–2024, our artists’ books, zines, and/or exhibitions are also mentioned in the following Book Arts Newsletters, published at the Centre for Fine Print Research, UK, and edited by Sarah Bodman:

Newsletter for December 2024 – January 2025, issue 164, pages 16–17
Newsletter for November 2024, issue 163, pages 8–9, and 22
Newsletter for September – October 2024, issue 162, page 19
Newsletter for mid April – June 2024, issue 160, page 50
Newsletter for July – August 2023, issue 154, pages 6–7, and 55–57
Newsletter for mid April – June 2023, issue 153, pages 4, 16–17, and 47–48
Newsletter for March – mid April 2023, issue 152, pages 2–4
Newsletter for February 2023, issue 151, page 49
Newsletter for March – mid April 2022, issue 145, page 35
Newsletter for September – October 2021, issue 141, pages 17, and 43
Newsletter for March – mid April 2021, issue 138, page 31
Newsletter for mid September – October 2020, issue 134, page 23
Newsletter for mid April – June 2020, issue 132, pages 32–33
Newsletter for March – mid April 2020, issue 131, pages 52–53

Newsletter for July – August 2019, issue 126, page 11
Newsletter for mid April – June 2019, issue 125, page 45
Newsletter for December 2018 – January 2019, issue 122, pages 12–13
Newsletter for July – August 2018, issue 119, pages 3–4
Newsletter for mid April – June 2018, issue 118, pages 11, 16, and 58
Newsletter for March – mid April 2018, issue 117, pages 11, 16, and 58
Newsletter for February 2018, issue 116, pages 18–19
Newsletter for December 2017 – January 2018, issue 115, pages 40, and 45–46
Newsletter for November 2017, issue 114, pages 8–9
Newsletter for September – October 2017, issue 113, pages 14–15
Newsletter for March – mid April 2017, issue 111, page 50
Newsletter for February 2017, issue 109, page 46
Newsletter for November 2016, issue 107, page 7
Newsletter for September – October 2016, issue 106, page 14
Newsletter for July – August 2016, issue 105, page 36
Newsletter for mid April – June 2016, issue 104, page 38
Newsletter for November 2015, issue 100, pages 12–13
Newsletter for mid-April – June 2015, issue 97, pages 50–51
Newsletter for February 2015, issue 95, pages 42–43




THE BIG ISSUE, 2017–2019